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Personal Loans

Personal Financing

We understand that at times you need financing for personal needs and The iCore Bank has the option for you. We can help out with your lending needs whether they are small or complex. Whether it is close to the holidays or just close to your heart The iCore Bank understands and is willing to help. ALL Credit Decisions are made quick and locally.

Personal Loans

  • Personal Unsecured Loans
  • No collateral required.
  • Loan cannot exceed $5,000.00.
  • Origination fee of 2% of new money not to exceed $100.00.

Automobile Loans

  • Purchase Money or refinance.
  • New or Used vehicle.
  • Origination fee of 2% of new money not to exceed $100.00.
  • Full Coverage Automobile insurance required.

Real Estate Loans

  • Construction, Purchase Money, or Refinance.
  • All Real-Estate Loans stay in house.
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